Success Is Success A Croc and Peddled By Internet Snake Oil Salesman

My colleague and I were talking earlier today and we are intrigued by the number of people and companies peddling solutions for becoming a success. From people offering solutions through making millions by buying properties or others pushing you to buy a business and make your money that way. Is success really something anyone can achieve or is it really simply the luck of the draw?

The aspect of success that has intrigued me for a long time is, is what is success? Who defines what a success is? The establishment of marketing and advertising guru’s propagates the belief that to be a success you must have all the nice things in life like the LCD Television screen, BMW or Mercedes in the Garage, a Boat in the Front Yard and so forth but in reality can everyone achieve this. This is the question I and many of my team have been asking.

If you believe all of the advertising material on achieving success you would believe “Yes”. With books having been written in the 30’s during the time of the depression like Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill you would think that we should all be living the good life and on easy street. So why is it that some people have it and some people do not?

The one core reason why some people succeed and others do not can be simply summed upto one thing – COMMITMENT!

I know I know, I here some people saying right now, “but I’ve been working hard for twenty years but I have not succeeded. Blah Blah Blah” Know the feeling, but really there are two things to consider, what have you achieved so far and what do you want to achieve. If you do not have a core goal of what you want to achieve then you can never achieve it so of course success will pass you by. Be aware of one thing though, sometimes on your path to success, you have to fail miserably before you can really succeed to achieve obscene riches. This is the part that none of the billionaires or millionaires tells you in all of their self-help books.

The path to wealth and success is never as smooth as some people will have you believe, often the people who sell their stories and their autobiographies will put the positive spin on how easy it was and how they rose to success. Absolute rubbish, the number of business people who I personally know who have a failed business after failed business before they got one that truly brought them to obscene wealth is truly staggering. In fact, I would put the number in the thousands.

Let give you one example, and I will say that I have never met this man in my life, I have simply followed him through the news, read his books and watched his television shows and that is Donald Trump. This man is what I consider the cover boy of the embodiment of the Think and Grow Rich Secrets to obscene wealth because what you may not know is that not to many years ago this man almost lost the entire Trump Empire. Now the single reason he has come through that is his commitment to success. He wanted his empire of building developments that badly that he learned, he committed to finding a way to move forward and to do what he wanted to do and if you truly want to succeed then this is the commitment you must make.

Success is a way of life, it is the way you think, the way you breathe, the way you eat and the way you conduct your life. Success strategies whether it be using the Think and Grow Rich 13 Secrets to wealth or the Master Key by Charles Haanel or any other program that is out there. To be a success you must make a commitment to yourself to keep going on regardless of what the world will throw at you.

Let me assure you, just like you will find out, I too have been through times, when self-doubt comes into play, when you think you are going to lose everything, when you think you are going to broke. The bottom line is this, to succeed you must leave no possible way of retreat, your psyche must be to win or perish!

Commit yourself to winning, it does not mean you are going to crush everyone in your path, it does not mean you are going to rip people off either or do anything that is unethical, it is about achieving what you need to for YOU and what is in the interest of your community. Have you noticed one key element to all billionaires, they have a passion for their community and making things better in their community. For example, Donald Trump is committed New York, in fact on many an occasion I have heard him call New York his town. Bill Gates the founder of Microsoft has invested billions in his own community in the US but also in other places like Africa.

Look the bottom line is this, and actually I was told this about 15 years ago, the key to success is to read and listen to everything, both good and bad, get every book you can find, every video and every internet site to learn about how you can move forward cause knowledge is power. You will very quickly learn what is good advice and what just does not work and the more you do this, the sooner you will achieve success. Then do not sit around put it into action, commit to actually doing something. To succeed you do have to fail, that is simply a fact of life.

Of all the material I have read and I have a library of over 10,000 books and I buy on average about 600 to 700 books a year which I read every single one of them, the one thing that has stuck with me is the thirteen secrets to success outlined in Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. He talks about a man from Colorado who owned one of the richest gold mines in that state. When the gold dried up and he could not find any more Gold he simply gave up and sold out. The bloke who bought it from him, did not give up, in fact he found one of the biggest reefs of gold in Colorado. The man who originally sold the mine was just 3 foot from that reef.

The one thing I keep reminding myself, I have programmed this into my mind so that every single time that I think about quitting and saying that it is all too hard, is that SUCCESS COULD BE JUST THREE FEET AWAY. If you would like the opportunity to read the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill simply visit our website where you can download the book and audio reading. To help you in learning this material I strongly recommend our High Performance Meditation Music at – Meditation Music. If you are looking for some really cool information about internet marketing then visit the – Online Marketing Business Opportunity.

Pillars of Successful Modern Web Design in New York and New Jersey

Website is the most important thing for any business, especially for the online business. Websites are the best way to educate your customers about your offerings, to promote your products and services among your target customers. With the changing technology, requirements of consumers are also getting upgraded. So, it is recommended for you to consider few factors while designing your business’s website.

Website is the most important thing for any business, especially for the online business. Websites are the best way to educate your customers about your offerings, to promote your products and services among your target customers. With the changing technology, requirements of consumers are also getting upgraded.

Gerry Matts of Matts and Davidson1 which is a web development company in Westchester NY says about the Web design in Westchester, New York, -The design of your web site has everything to do with how your business is represented. Each visitor is making a decision within 3 to 5 seconds to stay and learn more, or move on to the next website. This is why the design of your site needs to precisely address the audience you are targeting. Matts & Davidson takes the time to define your marketing goals, as well as your audience. The structure of your website’s content, intuitive navigation, and visually inviting design elements, all combine to create a winning design.- (Ref: Matts and Davidson,

So, it is recommended for you to consider few factors while designing your business’s website. Some of the factors are:
Content is King: Everyone who visits your site will definitely view your content. So, always provide good quality, relevant and descriptive information about your products and services. Quality of your content also impacts your search engine rankings.
SEO: On site and off site SEO contributes majority to the success of a web design. Build friendly URLs so search engines know what your page is about. Build HTML and XML site maps to ensure search engines correctly index your site during the crawling process. Avoid using splash and Flash menus. Always use the image ALT attribute and fill in the description to help your images rank as search engines cannot “see” images.
Accessibility: People access the internet through different connections, browsers and devices. They can access from laptops to smart phones, blackberries & iPhones. Your site needs to be usable on any of the platforms that people are likely to access it from.
Regular Updates: Even if your website is a big hit in search engines, it needs to have up-to-date information. A well designed website is all about keeping the web pages fresh and current.
Identify Your Target Audience: You must decide who your target audience are and accordingly you should decide how your website should look and function. There are many demographics like age, gender, profession and technical competency that can influence your design.
Communicate: Always try to communicate with your customers. Make sure your website offers capabilities and reasons for users to leave their email address or other contact details. You can also give a feedback form on your website, so that you can know about the loop holes in your websites.

1. Matts & Davidson: Matts & Davidson Search Engine Optimization team was one of the first Search Engine Optimization (SEO) companies in New York. We offer you creative and cost-effective solutions to your marketing challenges. Office is located at 3 Rye Ridge Plaza, Suite – 111, Rye Brook, New York, 10573. For any enquiry or to get free quotes, call us at 1-800-353-8867 or 914-220-6576 or 914-437-5278. For more details, visit You can email us Fax at1-914-696-0029.

Murphy’s Law and How It Applies to Your Business Internet Connection

Have you ever heard of Murphy’s Law? It is typically stated as: “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong”. It sure sounds like a rather frightening law to accept. But instead of allowing it to make you cower in fear of anything and everything, you should look at it as a lesson, especially as it applies to your company and the business broadband you use to keep it functioning every day.

Murphy’s Law provides you with a cautionary tale. It offers the necessary incentive to safeguard ourselves from certain undeniable occurrences that are eventually bound to happen, however unlikely they may first seem. When applied to business internet, it is your responsibility as a business owner to identify and respect the notion that your current business high speed internet connection is not going to work as smoothly as it does every single day of every single year. After all, there is a reason that companies offer (at most) 99.99% guaranteed uptime. Sure, that is virtually a 100 percent guarantee, but it isn’t, and you should keep your business protected with Murphy’s Law in the back of your mind.

So what is the answer? Anything that can go wrong, will; so shouldn’t you just throw your hands up in the air and concede defeat? No way! In regards to business internet, you are going to be faced with some sort of connection interruption at some point, but that doesn’t mean you or your company should roll over and give up. The best defense against business internet related issues is being prepared for it. And the best way to be prepared for a business internet failure is by using a business broadband service that offer 24/7 technical support.

If you have business high speed internet providers who offer around the clock support for internet related issues, it is the next best thing to being able to prevent the issues from happening altogether. And since we have already discussed that internet related issues are unavoidable (and in most cases completely unpredictable), having a means to handle a situation after it presents itself will allow you and your company to experience their internet as they know it without having to first go through extended periods of downtime. New York business internet provider Natural Wireless is an example of a fiber internet provider that offers 24/7 technical support to their customers. They understand that crazy things can happen to even the most secure and reliable servers, which makes it even more important to be there for their customers in the rare event that something actually goes wrong.

If you need help with your business broadband, contact Natural Wireless as they offer very fast and easy with superior support. You can request a free estimate on their website.