Cannot Access Internet After Connecting to VPN (Cisco, Sonicwall, Etc)

If a user complains that once they are connected successfully to the VPN, but is unable to go out into the internet, you can try these steps. Sometimes there are things like “Split Tunnel” which can be turned on, but in some cases, even if this is on, it will not resolve the issue. When this happens, you can create a batch script and have the user run these commands to resolve the issue. It is sort of a workaround, but can be used for crutch situations.

1. Open Command Prompt by Clicking Start > Run > Type CMD > Hit

2. Type these following commands:

route delete

route add mask

*Important: CHANGE to your local GATEWAY address (router/firewall address)*

3. Done

You can create a batch script and the user launch it after connecting to VPN, as once they disconnect and reconnect they will lose the settings. This can be done by opening up notepad, inputing the two commands, and then saving it as a.BAT file. Once you save this file, the user can launch this after VPN connection.

Here are some troubleshooting guides for particular topics.

(1) Your Virtual Network Connection

(2) VPN Troubleshooting Error Messages

(3) VPN Modems Troubleshooting Guide

(4) VPN ISP Troubleshooting Guide.

(1) Your Virtual Private Network Connection

Having trouble connecting to the Internet at home try these steps before calling for help.

1. Do you have an IP address? Try ipconfig /all. If you do not have an IP address reboot your PC. If that doesnt work power cycle your Cable/DSL modem and routers and reboot your PC again after the network devices are up and stable. Be sure all of your network cables are plugged in tight.

2. If you do not trust the VPN address of the VPN client, the firewall will cause you to crash. In your Internet browser click on “Tools > Internet Options > Security > Trusted Sites > Sites” and add the destination VPN address(es) to your trusted sites.

Q8 Error Message: You already have the maximum number of adapters installed

Cause: You may have installed to many virtual adapters in your IP Stack


1. Remove any unnecessary adapters;

2. Create multiple boot scenarios disabling the adapters that are not required for that function;

3. You may also get Banner Sock errors on Win 95 & 98 units with this condition;

4. For more information, see this Microsoft article: KB217744: Unable to Bind Protocols to More Than 5 Network Adapters (copy and paste into the search tool bar > enter).

Q9 Upgrade Errors: The following are some errors that may occur when trying to upgrade / install the Nortel VPN Client 4.65

Error (1): Failed to get Registry key value for NT_IPSECSHM

Cause: This is caused because an important registry key that cannot be found in the system registry.


When this happens, you can create a batch script and have the user run these commands to resolve the issue. It is sort of a workaround, but can be used for crutch situations.

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How To Watch Live TV through Wireless Internet – Live TV On My Computer

Do you want to learn how you can watch live TV through wireless internet with Satellite Direct TV? With the growing capabilities of the World Wide Web to transmit more types of information at faster speeds, it is no wonder that internet TV technology has arrived on our PCs. This article will discuss more about live internet TV technology, how you can get your hands on it and what their benefits are.

How Does Live TV Through the Internet Work?

Many television stations now transmit Free-to-Air signals on the internet. A typical computer would not be able to receive them. But with a piece of satellite TV on PC software installed on it, the computer will have the capability to receive and decode them for display on monitor screen.

What is the Satellite Direct TV Download?

There are many pieces of software on the internet that allow you to use satellite TV technology, and one of the better ones that I have found is called Satellite TV on PC. It is available at online retail websites.

What Are The Benefits of Satellite TV?

1. Huge Number and Wide Variety of Channels Available

With Satellite Direct TV software, I get to watch more than 3,000 channels of different varieties, and that number increases as more channels are made available. When compared to my previous subscription to a cable TV service provider that only provided about 100, satellite television definitely offers more variety.

2. Affordable, with No Recurring Fees

Another reason why it is so popular is because it does not charge monthly fees. There is still a one-time download fee, but with all the channels I have gotten, it was well worth paying for. To learn more about this software and download your own copy, you can visit the website link below for more information.

Fix Eula Exe Error – How to Fix Eula Exe Error Successfully

It is certainly frustrating when YouTube crashes on you and eula exe error pops up while watching an online video, sometimes even taking crashing your browser with it. If your computer is encountering eula exe error, you should have to make a complete scan for your system to check the health of it and fix the problem as fast as you can.

What is eula exe error?

If your computer has experienced eula exe error from time to time, you should try all means to totally get rid of it for it has the ability to lead to more dangerous computer problems. Eula exe error can be caused by incompatible version of eula.exe process, incorrect or damaged version of Dynamic link files, prevalent spyware, incorrect removal process of third party software, corrupt latest driver version and registry issues. Till now, the most effective method to fix eula exe error is enable a highly reliable and user- friendly eula exe error repair tool on your computer.

Eula exe error messages:
Eula.exe Has Generated Errors and Will Be Closed By Windows
“Eula.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close”
“Eular.exe has generated an error”
“Eula.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.”
“Sysfader : eula.exe Application Error” Why do you need to fix eula exe error immediately?

Eula exe error is recorded to be associated with Internet Explorer. If your computer has been encountering eula exe error, you should try your best to strike out it from your computer for it can keep annoying you with the troubles below:
Eula exe error has the ability to degrade your system performance and computer running speed.
If your system has been compromised by eula exe error, the terrible problem will keep annoying you with Blue Screen of Death errors, .dll errors, .exe errors, runtime errors, ActiveX errors and ActiveX Control problems.
Internet connection problems occur from time to time.
Spyware and adware exploit system vulnerabilities to slip into your system, lead to severely crucial system file corruption and silently gather your sensitive or personal information.
Your browser is experiencing incredibly terrible crash problems. The most effective method to fix eula exe error:

If you have to fix eula exe error at once, you should offer a safe and complete scan for your computer with a progressive and user- friendly eula exe error fixer. The user- friendly tool is designed to deliver powerful PC error detection with minimal impact to your PC. With it, you are empowered to fix eula exe error and its related errors with ease, to offer you a totally error- free PC. Are you feeling tired of searching an effective solution to fix eula exe error? Do you need to fix eula exe error at once? If so, you can click: Fix Eula Exe Error

Monitor Your Services With Internet Cafe Software

If you are the owner of an internet cafe, you would certainly be looking for operating the systems in your cafe in most promising manner. Managing an internet cafe by providing efficient and reliable services to your users is a strenuous task. Providing efficient services to your clients and maintaining perfect environment in your net cafe can allow you to increase your profit. However, you must make sure that the systems in your net cafe are in a good condition with high speed internet in order to increase the number of your clients and sustaining a relaxed environment in your cafe.

We at antamedia provide you with the best package which can solve many of your issues in one go. If you install antamedia internet cafe software on your server and client PC’s in your net cafe then most of your problems are already resolved. As soon as you will install internet cafe software in your system, you will feel a change in whole environment. This software will make all of your systems efficient with the huge advantage of the exclusion of manual work. The major advantages of antamedia internet cafe software are;

oPrompt and exact calculation of time by eliminating the need for manual inscription of in and out time of customers.

oPre-defined time allocation for internet usage by any customer.

oFacility to assign different packages (hourly, one-day, weekly, monthly, etc.) to users depending on their requirement.

oComplete monitoring of the computers i.e. which computers are free and can be allotted to new customer and which ones are busy?

oDifferent pricing methods

oChat and Sharing of different applications over the LAN; like uploading games, music, movies and many more.

oClient panel on the client computer which allows him to track the time and remaining balance for usage.

oAutomatic login and log off after the paid time is over i.e. time control.

oYou can run a contingence plan over the server PC i.e. you can control the usage of usb’s, print services, software installations and vice versa.

oKeeps track of the complete record of internet usage hence enabling you to calculate time-specific or daily income in an easy way.

oGeneration of billing and internet usage reports.

oQuota control and reboot protection

oOption to promote your business by sending your campaign ads or banners at client computers.

oAvoids any deceit on behalf of employees by monitoring them through the activity log.

oMulti-lingual support

oMulti-cafe support

With so many advantages in hand and lots more to see in your mind’s eye, rest assured that your business is going to experience a grand diversity as soon as you install antamedia Internet cafe software. This will save lots of your expenses by reducing your need for hiring more employees to complete the manual work. As well as, it will enhance your profit by increasing the number of your customers.

So what are you looking for? Come on! Start growing your business and raise your turnover with antamedia internet cafe software in an economical manner. will provides you best possible solutions for your cyber cafe offering different internet cafe program. Internet cafe manager is a complete package to secure, organize, and manage your cyber cafe business. We hope you have enjoyed this article.